Thursday, June 8, 2017

Bode Plots (No Lab)

Today we introduced Bode plots. Bode plots are semilog plots of the magnitude (in decibels) and phase (in degrees) of a transfer function versus frequency.

The magnitude is in a logarithmic scale. HdB =20log10 H
Any transfer function can be represented as following: 
There are four different factors:
1. A gain K
2. A pole (jω)1 or zero (jω) at the origin
3. A simple pole 1/(1 + jω/p
1 ) or zero (1 + jω/z 1 )
4. A quadratic pole 1/*1 + j2ζ 2 ω/ω n + (jω/ω n )2 + or zero *1 + j2ζ 1 ω/ω k + (jω/ω k )2 ]

An approximation of the magnitude is a linear part and a constant part. An approximation of the phase is a linear function whose slope is 45º per decade.  

Then we went over the concept of resonance. Resonance is a condition in an RLC circuit in which the capacitive and inductive reactances are equal in magnitude, thereby resulting in a pure resistive impedance. the load has maximum power at resonance frequency ω0. there is a half-power frequency on either side of the resonance frequency. the distance between them is called bandwidth B. Quality factor Q is defined as ω0/B. The quality factor represents the sharpness of the frequency response. 
For RLC in series

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