Sunday, June 4, 2017

Signals with Multiple Frequency Components

Today we went over transfer functions. The transfer function H is the frequency-dependent ratio of a phasor output to a phasor input. There are four possible transfer functions.
1. Voltage Gain Vout/Vin
2. Current Gain Iout/Iin
3. Transfer Impedance Vout/Iin
4. Transfer Admittance Iout/Vin
A zero is defined as a root of the numerator. A pole is defined as a root of the denominator.

We also went over the decibel scale
GdB = 10log10(P2/P1) = 20log10(V2/V1)-10log10(R2/R1)
Then we did a lab on the frequency response.

We applied different resistance to the circuit.



Summary: When ω = 0, the gain is 0.5. When ω = , the gain is 0. When ω increases, the gain decreases. When ω decreases, the gain increases.

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